Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. ~Andy Rooney

It's been a while since I have posted. It's been a lack luster winter for Angus. He so loves the cold and the snow. But we made the most of what we got. And today already in the 60's!! He gets so hot so fast, but we love going to the dog park. Angus is actually playing more now with the other dogs than he ever has. He usually just watches all the dogs by my side, but he is venturing away from me a bit. He can't catch them, but he's trying a bit!!

Angus attempting to play with one of the two 8 month old Danes in Franklin

He really did not know what to do with these two

These Danes are brothers and seemed to team up on poor Angus!! He had a lot of fun with them!!


  1. It's like a sharpei and a labrador in one. I love the face of a Neapolitan Mastiff. I just don't like that they mess a lot.
